Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Adsorbate procreation operators that adds an adsorbate to the surface of 
a particle or given structure."""
from ..settings import (adsorbate_elements, 
from ..utilities import (custom_warning, 
from ..adsorption_sites import (ClusterAdsorptionSites, 
from ..adsorbate_coverage import (ClusterAdsorbateCoverage, 
from import (add_adsorbate_to_site, 
from import OffspringCreator
from ase.formula import Formula
from ase import Atoms
from operator import attrgetter
from itertools import chain
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import warnings
import random
warnings.formatwarning = custom_warning

[docs]class AdsorbateOperator(OffspringCreator): """Base class for all operators that add, move or remove adsorbates. Don't use this operator directly!""" def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, species_probabilities=None, num_muts=1): OffspringCreator.__init__(self, num_muts=num_muts) self.adsorbate_species = adsorbate_species if is_list_or_tuple( adsorbate_species) else [adsorbate_species] self.species_probabilities = species_probabilities if self.species_probabilities is not None: assert len(self.species_probabilities.keys()) == len(self.adsorbate_species) self.descriptor = 'AdsorbateOperator'
[docs] @classmethod def initialize_individual(cls, parent, indi=None): indi = OffspringCreator.initialize_individual(parent, indi=indi) if 'unrelaxed_adsorbates' in['data']: unrelaxed = list(['data']['unrelaxed_adsorbates']) else: unrelaxed = []['data']['unrelaxed_adsorbates'] = unrelaxed return indi
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_adsorbate(self, atoms, hetero_site_list, heights, adsorbate_species=None, min_adsorbate_distance=2., tilt_angle=0.): """Adds the adsorbate in self.adsorbate to the supplied atoms object at the first free site in the specified site_list. A site is free if no other adsorbates can be found in a sphere of radius min_adsorbate_distance around the chosen site. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms object The atoms object that the adsorbate will be added to. hetero_site_list : list A list of dictionaries, each dictionary contains site information given by acat.adsorbate_coverage module. heights : dict A dictionary that contains the adsorbate height for each site type. adsorbate_species : str or list of strs, default None One or a list of adsorbate species to be added to the surface. Use self.adsorbate_species if not specified. min_adsorbate_distance : float, default 2. The radius of the sphere inside which no other adsorbates should be found. tilt_angle : float, default 0. Tilt the adsorbate with an angle (in degrees) relative to the surface normal. """ if adsorbate_species is None: adsorbate_species = self.adsorbate_species elif not is_list_or_tuple(adsorbate_species): adsorbate_species = [adsorbate_species] i = 0 too_close = True while too_close: if i >= len(hetero_site_list): return False site = hetero_site_list[i] if site['occupied']: i += 1 continue # Allow only single-atom species to enter subsurf 6fold sites this_site = site['site'] if this_site == '6fold': adsorbate_species = [s for s in adsorbate_species if len(s) == 1] # Add a random adsorbate to the correct position if self.species_probabilities is None: adsorbate = random.choice(adsorbate_species) else: probs = [self.species_probabilities[a] for a in adsorbate_species] adsorbate = random.choices(k=1, population=adsorbate_species, weights=probs)[0] height = heights[this_site] atoms = atoms.copy() add_adsorbate_to_site(atoms, adsorbate, site, height, tilt_angle=tilt_angle) nads = len(list(Formula(adsorbate))) ads_atoms = atoms[[a.index for a in atoms if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements]] if atoms_too_close_after_addition(ads_atoms, nads, cutoff=min_adsorbate_distance, mic=(True in atoms.pbc)): atoms = atoms[:-nads] i += 1 continue too_close = False # Setting the indices of the unrelaxed adsorbates for the cut- # relax-paste function to be executed in the calculation script. # There it should also reset the parameter to [], to indicate # that the adsorbates have been relaxed. ads_indices = sorted([len(atoms) - k - 1 for k in range(nads)]) if 'unrelaxed_adsorbates' not in['data']:['data']['unrelaxed_adsorbates'] = []['data']['unrelaxed_adsorbates'].append(ads_indices) return atoms
[docs] def remove_adsorbate(self, atoms, hetero_site_list, return_site_index=False): """Removes an adsorbate from the atoms object at the first occupied site in hetero_site_list. If no adsorbates can be found, one will be added instead. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms object The atoms object that the adsorbate will be added to hetero_site_list : list A list of dictionaries, each dictionary contains site information given by acat.adsorbate_coverage module. return_site_index : bool, default False Whether to return the site index of the hetero_site_list instead of the site. Useful for moving or replacing adsorbate. """ i = 0 occupied = False while not occupied: if i >= len(hetero_site_list): if return_site_index: return False warnings.warn('Removal not possible, will add instead') return self.add_adsorbate(atoms, hetero_site_list, site_heights) site = hetero_site_list[i] if not site['occupied']: i += 1 continue # Remove adsorbate from the correct position. Remove the fragment # with priority if it is one of the given adsorbate species rm_frag = (site['fragment'] in self.adsorbate_species) remove_adsorbate_from_site(atoms, site, remove_fragment=rm_frag) if return_site_index: return i occupied = True return atoms
def get_all_adsorbate_indices(self, atoms): from asap3 import FullNeighborList ac = atoms.copy() ads_ind = [a.index for a in ac if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements] mbl = 1.5 # max_bond_length nl = FullNeighborList(rCut=mbl / 2., atoms=ac) adsorbates = [] while len(ads_ind) != 0: i = int(ads_ind[0]) mol_ind = self._get_indices_in_adsorbate(ac, nl, i) for ind in mol_ind: if int(ind) in ads_ind: ads_ind.remove(int(ind)) adsorbates.append(sorted(mol_ind)) return adsorbates
[docs] def get_adsorbate_indices(self, atoms, position): """Returns the indices of the adsorbate at the supplied position.""" dmin = 1000. for a in atoms: if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements: d = np.linalg.norm(a.position - position) if d < dmin: dmin = d ind = a.index for ads in self.get_all_adsorbate_indices(atoms): if ind in ads: return ads[:]
def _get_indices_in_adsorbate(self, atoms, neighborlist, index, molecule_indices=None): """Internal recursive function that help determine adsorbate indices.""" if molecule_indices is None: molecule_indices = [] mi = molecule_indices nl = neighborlist mi.append(index) # neighbors, _ = nl.get_neighbors(index) neighbors = nl[index] for n in neighbors: if int(n) not in mi: if atoms[int(n)].symbol in adsorbate_elements: mi = self._get_indices_in_adsorbate(atoms, nl, n, mi) return mi
[docs]class AddAdsorbate(AdsorbateOperator): """ Use this operator to add adsorbates to the surface. The surface is allowed to change during the algorithm run. There is no limit of adsorbate species. You can either provide one species or a list of species. Site and surface preference can be supplied. If both are supplied site will be considered first. Supplying a tilt angle will tilt the adsorbate with an angle relative to the standard perpendicular to the surface. The operator is generalized for both periodic and non-periodic systems (distinguished by atoms.pbc). Parameters ---------- adsorbate_species : str or list of strs One or a list of adsorbate species to be added to the surface. species_probabilities : dict, default None A dictionary that contains keys of each adsorbate species and values of their probabilities of adding onto the surface. Adding adsorbate species with equal probability if not specified. max_species : int, default None The maximum allowed adsorbate species (excluding vacancies) for a single structure. Allow all adsorbate species if not specified. heights : dict, default acat.settings.site_heights A dictionary that contains the adsorbate height for each site type. Use the default height settings if the height for a site type is not specified. min_adsorbate_distance : float, default 2. The radius of the sphere inside which no other adsorbates should be found. adsorption_sites : acat.adsorption_sites.ClusterAdsorptionSites object or acat.adsorption_sites.SlabAdsorptionSites object or the corresponding pickle file path, default None Provide the built-in adsorption sites class to accelerate the genetic algorithm. Make sure all the operators used with this operator preserve the indexing of the atoms. site_preference : str or list of strs, defualt None The site type(s) that has higher priority to attach adsorbates. surface_preference : str, default None The surface type that has higher priority to attach adsorbates. Please only use this for nanoparticles. max_coverage : float, default None The maximum allowed coverage on the surface. Coverage is defined as (number of surface occupied sites / number of surface atoms). The maximum coverage is solely governed by min_adsorbate_distance if max_coverage is not specified. tilt_angle : float, default 0. Tilt the adsorbate with an angle (in degrees) relative to the surface normal. subtract_heights : bool, default False Whether to subtract the height from the bond length when allocating a site to an adsorbate. Default is to allocate the site that is closest to the adsorbate's binding atom without subtracting height. Useful for ensuring the allocated site for each adsorbate is consistent with the site to which the adsorbate was added. num_muts : int, default 1 The number of times to perform this operation. dmax : float, default 2.5 The maximum bond length (in Angstrom) between an atom and its nearest site to be considered as the atom being bound to the site. """ def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, species_probabilities=None, max_species=None, heights=site_heights, min_adsorbate_distance=2., adsorption_sites=None, site_preference=None, surface_preference=None, max_coverage=None, tilt_angle=None, subtract_heights=False, num_muts=1, dmax=2.5, **kwargs): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species, species_probabilities, num_muts=num_muts) self.descriptor = 'AddAdsorbate' if max_species is None: self.max_species = None else: self.max_species = min([max_species, len(set(self.adsorbate_species))]) self.heights = site_heights for k, v in heights.items(): self.heights[k] = v self.min_adsorbate_distance = min_adsorbate_distance self.kwargs = {'allow_6fold': False, 'composition_effect': False, 'ignore_sites': None, 'label_sites': False} self.kwargs.update(kwargs) if adsorption_sites is not None: if isinstance(adsorption_sites, str): import pickle with open(adsorption_sites, 'rb') as f: self.adsorption_sites = pickle.load(f) else: self.adsorption_sites = adsorption_sites for k in self.kwargs.keys(): self.kwargs[k] = attrgetter(k)(self.adsorption_sites) else: self.adsorption_sites = None self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs) self.site_preference = site_preference if site_preference is not None: if not is_list_or_tuple(site_preference): self.site_preference = [site_preference] self.surface_preference = surface_preference self.max_coverage = max_coverage self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle or 0. if subtract_heights: self.subtract_heights = self.heights else: self.subtract_heights = None self.min_inputs = 1 self.dmax = dmax
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): """Returns the new individual as an atoms object.""" f = parents[0] indi = self.initialize_individual(f)['data']['parents'] = [['confid']] for atom in f: indi.append(atom) if True in indi.pbc: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = SlabAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list if self.max_species is None: options = self.adsorbate_species else: occupied_specs = list({st['adsorbate'] for st in ads_sites if st['occupied']}) diff = self.max_species - len(occupied_specs) if diff == 0: options = occupied_specs elif diff > 0: others = [sp for sp in self.adsorbate_species if sp not in occupied_specs] if self.species_probabilities is None: dspecs = random.sample(others, diff) else: probs = [self.species_probabilities[osp] for osp in others] dspecs = random.choices(k=diff, population=others, weights=probs) options = occupied_specs + dspecs else: options = occupied_specs warnings.warn('The number of adsorbate species exceeds ' + 'the maximum allowed number.') for i in range(self.num_muts): # Make sure the coverage does not exceed maximum coverage if self.max_coverage is not None: if sac.coverage >= self.max_coverage: if i == 0: warnings.warn('Addition not possible, will remove instead') indi = self.remove_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites) break random.shuffle(ads_sites) if self.surface_preference is not None: def func(x): return x['surface'] == self.surface_preference ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) if self.site_preference is not None: def func(x): return x['site'] in self.site_preference ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) nindi = self.add_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites, self.heights, options, self.min_adsorbate_distance, tilt_angle=self.tilt_angle) if not nindi: warnings.warn('Addition not possible, will remove instead') indi = self.remove_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites) break indi = nindi if True in indi.pbc: sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list['data']['adsorbates'] = [t[0] for t in sac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + ': {0}'.format(['confid']))
[docs]class RemoveAdsorbate(AdsorbateOperator): """This operator removes an adsorbate from the surface. It works exactly (but doing the opposite) as the AddAdsorbate operator. The operator is generalized for both periodic and non-periodic systems (distinguished by atoms.pbc). Parameters ---------- adsorbate_species : str or list of strs One or a list of adsorbate species to be removed from the surface. adsorption_sites : acat.adsorption_sites.ClusterAdsorptionSites object or acat.adsorption_sites.SlabAdsorptionSites object or the corresponding pickle file path, default None Provide the built-in adsorption sites class to accelerate the genetic algorithm. Make sure all the operators used with this operator preserve the indexing of the atoms. site_preference : str or list of strs, defualt None The site type(s) that has higher priority to detach adsorbates. surface_preference : str, default None The surface type that has higher priority to detach adsorbates. Please only use this for nanoparticles. min_coverage : float, default None The minimum allowed coverage on the surface. Coverage is defined as (number of surface occupied sites / number of surface atoms). The minimum coverage is 0 if min_coverage is not specified. subtract_heights : bool, default False Whether to subtract the height from the bond length when allocating a site to an adsorbate. Default is to allocate the site that is closest to the adsorbate's binding atom without subtracting height. Useful for ensuring the allocated site for each adsorbate is consistent with the site to which the adsorbate was added. num_muts : int, default 1 The number of times to perform this operation. dmax : float, default 2.5 The maximum bond length (in Angstrom) between an atom and its nearest site to be considered as the atom being bound to the site. """ def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, adsorption_sites=None, site_preference=None, surface_preference=None, min_coverage=None, subtract_heights=False, num_muts=1, dmax=2.5, **kwargs): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species, num_muts=num_muts) self.descriptor = 'RemoveAdsorbate' self.kwargs = {'allow_6fold': False, 'composition_effect': False, 'ignore_sites': None, 'label_sites': False} self.kwargs.update(kwargs) if adsorption_sites is not None: if isinstance(adsorption_sites, str): import pickle with open(adsorption_sites, 'rb') as f: self.adsorption_sites = pickle.load(f) else: self.adsorption_sites = adsorption_sites for k in self.kwargs.keys(): self.kwargs[k] = attrgetter(k)(self.adsorption_sites) else: self.adsorption_sites = None self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs) self.site_preference = site_preference if site_preference is not None: if not is_list_or_tuple(site_preference): self.site_preference = [site_preference] self.min_coverage = min_coverage self.surface_preference = surface_preference if subtract_heights: self.subtract_heights = self.heights else: self.subtract_heights = None self.min_inputs = 1 self.dmax = dmax
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): f = parents[0] indi = self.initialize_individual(f)['data']['parents'] = [['confid']] for atom in f: indi.append(atom) if True in indi.pbc: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = SlabAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list for _ in range(self.num_muts): # Make sure the coverage is not lower than the minimum coverage if self.min_coverage is not None: if sac.coverage <= self.min_coverage: break random.shuffle(ads_sites) if self.surface_preference is not None: def func(x): return x['surface'] == self.surface_preference ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) if self.site_preference is not None: def func(x): return x['site'] in self.site_preference ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) indi = self.remove_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites) if True in indi.pbc: sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list # Make sure there are still adsorbates to remove if not any(st for st in ads_sites if st['occupied']): break['data']['adsorbates'] = [t[0] for t in sac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + ': {0}'.format(['confid']))
[docs]class MoveAdsorbate(AdsorbateOperator): """This operator removes an adsorbate from the surface and adds it again to a different site, i.e. effectively moving the adsorbate. The operator is generalized for both periodic and non-periodic systems (distinguished by atoms.pbc). Parameters ---------- adsorbate_species : str or list of strs One or a list of adsorbate species to be added to the surface. heights : dict, default acat.settings.site_heights A dictionary that contains the adsorbate height for each site type. Use the default height settings if the height for a site type is not specified. min_adsorbate_distance : float, default 2. The radius of the sphere inside which no other adsorbates should be found. adsorption_sites : acat.adsorption_sites.ClusterAdsorptionSites object or acat.adsorption_sites.SlabAdsorptionSites object or the corresponding pickle file path, default None Provide the built-in adsorption sites class to accelerate the genetic algorithm. Make sure all the operators used with this operator preserve the indexing of the atoms. site_preference_from : str or list of strs, defualt None The site type(s) that has higher priority to detach adsorbates. surface_preference_from : str, default None The surface type that has higher priority to detach adsorbates. Please only use this for nanoparticles. site_preference_to : str or list of strs, defualt None The site type(s) that has higher priority to attach adsorbates. surface_preference_to : str, default None The surface type that has higher priority to attach adsorbates. Please only use this for nanoparticles. tilt_angle : float, default 0. Tilt the adsorbate with an angle (in degrees) relative to the surface normal. subtract_heights : bool, default False Whether to subtract the height from the bond length when allocating a site to an adsorbate. Default is to allocate the site that is closest to the adsorbate's binding atom without subtracting height. Useful for ensuring the allocated site for each adsorbate is consistent with the site to which the adsorbate was added. num_muts : int, default 1 The number of times to perform this operation. dmax : float, default 2.5 The maximum bond length (in Angstrom) between an atom and its nearest site to be considered as the atom being bound to the site. """ def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, heights=site_heights, min_adsorbate_distance=2., adsorption_sites=None, site_preference_from=None, surface_preference_from=None, site_preference_to=None, surface_preference_to=None, tilt_angle=None, subtract_heights=False, num_muts=1, dmax=2.5, **kwargs): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species, num_muts=num_muts) self.descriptor = 'MoveAdsorbate' self.heights = site_heights for k, v in heights.items(): self.heights[k] = v self.min_adsorbate_distance = min_adsorbate_distance self.kwargs = {'allow_6fold': False, 'composition_effect': False, 'ignore_sites': None, 'label_sites': False} self.kwargs.update(kwargs) if adsorption_sites is not None: if isinstance(adsorption_sites, str): import pickle with open(adsorption_sites, 'rb') as f: self.adsorption_sites = pickle.load(f) else: self.adsorption_sites = adsorption_sites for k in self.kwargs.keys(): self.kwargs[k] = attrgetter(k)(self.adsorption_sites) else: self.adsorption_sites = None self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs) self.site_preference_from = site_preference_from if site_preference_from is not None: if not is_list_or_tuple(site_preference_from): self.site_preference_from = [site_preference_from] self.surface_preference_from = surface_preference_from self.site_preference_to = site_preference_to if site_preference_to is not None: if not is_list_or_tuple(site_preference_to): self.site_preference_to = [site_preference_to] self.surface_preference_to = surface_preference_to self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle or 0. if subtract_heights: self.subtract_heights = self.heights else: self.subtract_heights = None self.min_inputs = 1 self.dmax = dmax
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): f = parents[0] indi = self.initialize_individual(f)['data']['parents'] = [['confid']] for atom in f: indi.append(atom) if True in indi.pbc: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = SlabAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list for _ in range(self.num_muts): random.shuffle(ads_sites) if self.surface_preference_from is not None: def func(x): return x['surface'] == self.surface_preference_from ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) if self.site_preference_from is not None: def func(x): return x['site'] in self.site_preference_from ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) removed = self.remove_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites, return_site_index=True) if removed is False: removed_species = random.choice(self.adsorbate_species) else: removed_species = ads_sites[removed]['fragment'] random.shuffle(ads_sites) if self.surface_preference_to is not None: def func(x): return x['surface'] == self.surface_preference_to ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) if self.site_preference_to is not None: def func(x): return x['site'] in self.site_preference_to ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) nindi = self.add_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites, self.heights, removed_species, self.min_adsorbate_distance, tilt_angle=self.tilt_angle) if not nindi: break indi = nindi if True in indi.pbc: sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list['data']['adsorbates'] = [t[0] for t in sac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + ': {0}'.format(['confid']))
[docs]class ReplaceAdsorbate(AdsorbateOperator): """This operator removes an adsorbate from the surface and adds another species to the same site, i.e. effectively replacing the adsorbate. The operator is generalized for both periodic and non-periodic systems (distinguished by atoms.pbc). Parameters ---------- adsorbate_species : str or list of strs One or a list of adsorbate species to be added to the surface. species_probabilities : dict, default None A dictionary that contains keys of each adsorbate species and values of their probabilities of replacing an adsorbate on the surface. Choosing adsorbate species with equal probability if not specified. max_species : int, default None The maximum allowed adsorbate species (excluding vacancies) for a single structure. Allow all adsorbate species if not specified. heights : dict, default acat.settings.site_heights A dictionary that contains the adsorbate height for each site type. Use the default height settings if the height for a site type is not specified. min_adsorbate_distance : float, default 2. The radius of the sphere inside which no other adsorbates should be found. adsorption_sites : acat.adsorption_sites.ClusterAdsorptionSites object or acat.adsorption_sites.SlabAdsorptionSites object or the corresponding pickle file path, default None Provide the built-in adsorption sites class to accelerate the genetic algorithm. Make sure all the operators used with this operator preserve the indexing of the atoms. site_preference : str or list of strs, defualt None The site type(s) that has higher priority to replace adsorbates. surface_preference : str, default None The surface type that has higher priority to replace adsorbates. Please only use this for nanoparticles. tilt_angle : float, default 0. Tilt the adsorbate with an angle (in degrees) relative to the surface normal. subtract_heights : bool, default False Whether to subtract the height from the bond length when allocating a site to an adsorbate. Default is to allocate the site that is closest to the adsorbate's binding atom without subtracting height. Useful for ensuring the allocated site for each adsorbate is consistent with the site to which the adsorbate was added. num_muts : int, default 1 The number of times to perform this operation. dmax : float, default 2.5 The maximum bond length (in Angstrom) between an atom and its nearest site to be considered as the atom being bound to the site. """ def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, species_probabilities=None, max_species=None, heights=site_heights, min_adsorbate_distance=2., adsorption_sites=None, site_preference=None, surface_preference=None, tilt_angle=None, subtract_heights=False, num_muts=1, dmax=2.5, **kwargs): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species, species_probabilities, num_muts=num_muts) self.descriptor = 'ReplaceAdsorbate' if max_species is None: self.max_species = None else: self.max_species = min([max_species, len(set(self.adsorbate_species))]) self.heights = site_heights for k, v in heights.items(): self.heights[k] = v self.min_adsorbate_distance = min_adsorbate_distance self.kwargs = {'allow_6fold': False, 'composition_effect': False, 'ignore_sites': None, 'label_sites': False} self.kwargs.update(kwargs) if adsorption_sites is not None: if isinstance(adsorption_sites, str): import pickle with open(adsorption_sites, 'rb') as f: self.adsorption_sites = pickle.load(f) else: self.adsorption_sites = adsorption_sites for k in self.kwargs.keys(): self.kwargs[k] = attrgetter(k)(self.adsorption_sites) else: self.adsorption_sites = None self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs) self.site_preference = site_preference if site_preference is not None: if not is_list_or_tuple(site_preference): self.site_preference = [site_preference] self.surface_preference = surface_preference self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle or 0. if subtract_heights: self.subtract_heights = self.heights else: self.subtract_heights = None self.min_inputs = 1 self.dmax = dmax
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): f = parents[0] indi = self.initialize_individual(f)['data']['parents'] = [['confid']] for atom in f: indi.append(atom) if True in indi.pbc: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = SlabAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list for _ in range(self.num_muts): random.shuffle(ads_sites) if self.surface_preference is not None: def func(x): return x['surface'] == self.surface_preference ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) if self.site_preference is not None: def func(x): return x['site'] in self.site_preference ads_sites.sort(key=func, reverse=True) removed = self.remove_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites, return_site_index=True) if removed is False: removed = random.choice(range(len(ads_sites))) removed_species = 'x' else: removed_species = ads_sites[removed]['fragment'] ads_sites[removed]['occupied'] = 0 other_specs = [s for s in self.adsorbate_species if s != removed_species] if self.max_species is None: options = other_specs else: occupied_specs = list({st['adsorbate'] for st in ads_sites if st['occupied']}) diff = self.max_species - len(occupied_specs) if diff == 0: options = [s for s in occupied_specs if s in other_specs] assert len(options) > 0 elif diff > 0: options = other_specs else: options = other_specs warnings.warn('The number of adsorbate species exceeds ' + 'the maximum allowed number.') nindi = self.add_adsorbate(indi, [ads_sites[removed]], self.heights, options, self.min_adsorbate_distance, tilt_angle=self.tilt_angle) if not nindi: break indi = nindi if True in indi.pbc: sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list['data']['adsorbates'] = [t[0] for t in sac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + ': {0}'.format(['confid']))
[docs]class ReplaceAdsorbateSpecies(AdsorbateOperator): """This operator replace all adsorbates of a certain species with another species at the same sites. Return None if there is no adsorbate present on the surface. The operator is generalized for both periodic and non-periodic systems (distinguished by atoms.pbc). Parameters ---------- adsorbate_species : str or list of strs One or a list of adsorbate species to be added to the surface. species_probabilities : dict, default None A dictionary that contains keys of each adsorbate species and values of their probabilities of replacing an adsorbate on the surface. Choosing adsorbate species with equal probability if not specified. replace_vacancy : bool, default False Whether to allow replacing adsorbates with vacancies, i.e., effectively removing all adsorbates of a certain species. Note that if you want to specify species_probabilties, you then need to also provide the probability for vacancy replacement using the keyword 'vacancy'. heights : dict, default acat.settings.site_heights A dictionary that contains the adsorbate height for each site type. Use the default height settings if the height for a site type is not specified. adsorption_sites : acat.adsorption_sites.ClusterAdsorptionSites object or acat.adsorption_sites.SlabAdsorptionSites object or the corresponding pickle file path, default None Provide the built-in adsorption sites class to accelerate the genetic algorithm. Make sure all the operators used with this operator preserve the indexing of the atoms. subtract_heights : bool, default False Whether to subtract the height from the bond length when allocating a site to an adsorbate. Default is to allocate the site that is closest to the adsorbate's binding atom without subtracting height. Useful for ensuring the allocated site for each adsorbate is consistent with the site to which the adsorbate was added. tilt_angle : float, default 0. Tilt the adsorbate with an angle (in degrees) relative to the surface normal. dmax : float, default 2.5 The maximum bond length (in Angstrom) between an atom and its nearest site to be considered as the atom being bound to the site. """ def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, replace_vacancy=False, species_probabilities=None, heights=site_heights, adsorption_sites=None, tilt_angle=None, subtract_heights=False, dmax=2.5, **kwargs): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species, species_probabilities) self.descriptor = 'ReplaceAdsorbateSpecies' assert len(set(self.adsorbate_species)) > 1 self.replace_vacancy = replace_vacancy self.heights = site_heights for k, v in heights.items(): self.heights[k] = v self.kwargs = {'allow_6fold': False, 'composition_effect': False, 'ignore_sites': None, 'label_sites': False} self.kwargs.update(kwargs) if adsorption_sites is not None: if isinstance(adsorption_sites, str): import pickle with open(adsorption_sites, 'rb') as f: self.adsorption_sites = pickle.load(f) else: self.adsorption_sites = adsorption_sites for k in self.kwargs.keys(): self.kwargs[k] = attrgetter(k)(self.adsorption_sites) else: self.adsorption_sites = None self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs) self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle or 0. if subtract_heights: self.subtract_heights = self.heights else: self.subtract_heights = None self.min_inputs = 1 self.dmax = dmax
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): f = parents[0] indi = self.initialize_individual(f)['data']['parents'] = [['confid']] if 'groups' in['data']:['data']['groups'] =['data']['groups'] for atom in f: indi.append(atom) if True in indi.pbc: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = SlabAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: if self.adsorption_sites is not None: sas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) sas.update(indi) else: sas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) sac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = sac.hetero_site_list specs = [t[0] for t in sac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] # Return None if no adsorbate is present if not specs: return None, '{0} not possible in {1}'.format(self.descriptor,['confid']) spec = random.choice(specs) all_specs = self.adsorbate_species.copy() if self.replace_vacancy: if 'vacancy' not in all_specs: all_specs.append('vacancy') other_specs = [sp for sp in all_specs if sp != spec] if self.species_probabilities is None: to_spec = random.choice(other_specs) else: probs = [] for osp in other_specs: if (osp == 'vacancy') and ('vacancy' not in self.species_probabilities): vs = self.species_probabilities.values() prob = sum(vs) / len(vs) else: prob = self.species_probabilities[osp] probs.append(prob) to_spec = random.choices(k=1, population=other_specs, weights=probs)[0] rmsites, rmstids = [], [] rmfrags = True for i, st in enumerate(ads_sites): if st['fragment'] in self.adsorbate_species: if st['fragment'] == spec: rmsites.append(st) rmstids.append(i) else: if st['adsorbate'] == spec: rmsites.append(st) rmstids.append(i) rmfrags = False remove_adsorbates_from_sites(indi, sites=rmsites, remove_fragments=rmfrags) if to_spec != 'vacancy': for i, st in enumerate(ads_sites): if i in rmstids: height = self.heights[st['site']] # height = st['bond_length'] add_adsorbate_to_site(indi, to_spec, st, height, tilt_angle=self.tilt_angle) if True in indi.pbc: nsac = SlabAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) else: nsac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, sas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax)['data']['adsorbates'] = [t[0] for t in nsac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + ': {0}'.format(['confid']))
[docs]class CutSpliceCrossoverWithAdsorbates(AdsorbateOperator): """Crossover that cuts two particles with adsorbates through a plane in space and merges two halfes from different particles together (only returns one of them). The indexing of the atoms is not preserved. Please only use this operator if the particle is allowed to change shape. It keeps the correct composition by randomly assigning elements in the new particle. If some of the atoms in the two particle halves are too close, the halves are moved away from each other perpendicular to the cutting plane. The complexity of crossover with adsorbates makes this operator not robust enough. The adsorption site identification will fail once the nanoparticle shape becomes too irregular after crossover. Parameters ---------- adsorbate_species : str or list of strs One or a list of adsorbate species to be added to the surface. blmin : dict Dictionary of minimum distance between atomic numbers. e.g. {(28,29): 1.5} heights : dict, default acat.settings.site_heights A dictionary that contains the adsorbate height for each site type. Use the default height settings if the height for a site type is not specified. keep_composition : bool, default True Should the composition be the same as in the parents. fix_coverage : bool, default False Should the adsorbate coverage be the same as in the parents. min_adsorbate_distance : float, default 2. The radius of the sphere inside which no other adsorbates should be found. rotate_vectors : list, default None A list of vectors that the part of the structure that is cut is able to rotate around, the size of rotation is set in rotate_angles. Default None meaning no rotation is performed. rotate_angles : list, default None A list of angles that the structure cut can be rotated. The vector being rotated around is set in rotate_vectors. Default None meaning no rotation is performed. subtract_heights : bool, default False Whether to subtract the height from the bond length when allocating a site to an adsorbate. Default is to allocate the site that is closest to the adsorbate's binding atom without subtracting height. Useful for ensuring the allocated site for each adsorbate is consistent with the site to which the adsorbate was added. dmax : float, default 2.5 The maximum bond length (in Angstrom) between an atom and its nearest site to be considered as the atom being bound to the site. """ def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, blmin, heights=site_heights, keep_composition=True, fix_coverage=False, min_adsorbate_distance=2., rotate_vectors=None, rotate_angles=None, subtract_heights=False, dmax=2.5, **kwargs): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species) self.descriptor = 'CutSpliceCrossoverWithAdsorbates' self.blmin = blmin self.heights = site_heights for k, v in heights.items(): self.heights[k] = v self.keep_composition = keep_composition self.fix_coverage = fix_coverage self.min_adsorbate_distance = min_adsorbate_distance self.rvecs = rotate_vectors self.rangs = rotate_angles if subtract_heights: self.subtract_heights = self.heights else: self.subtract_heights = None self.min_inputs = 2 self.dmax = dmax self.kwargs = {'allow_6fold': False, 'composition_effect': False, 'ignore_sites': None, 'label_sites': False} self.kwargs.update(kwargs) self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs)
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): f, m = parents if self.fix_coverage: # Count number of adsorbates adsorbates_in_parents = len(self.get_all_adsorbate_indices(f)) indi = self.initialize_individual(f)['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents] fna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(f) mna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(m) fna_geo_mid = np.average(fna.get_positions(), 0) mna_geo_mid = np.average(mna.get_positions(), 0) if self.rvecs is not None: if not isinstance(self.rvecs, list): warnings.warn('Rotation vectors are not a list, skipping rotation') else: vec = random.choice(self.rvecs) try: angle = random.choice(self.rangs) except TypeError: angle = self.rangs f.rotate(angle, vec, center=fna_geo_mid) vec = random.choice(self.rvecs) try: angle = random.choice(self.rangs) except TypeError: angle = self.rangs m.rotate(angle, vec, center=mna_geo_mid) theta = random.random() * 2 * np.pi # 0,2pi phi = random.random() * np.pi # 0,pi e = np.asarray((np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi))) eps = 0.0001 # Move each particle to origo with their respective geometrical # centers, without adsorbates common_mid = (fna_geo_mid + mna_geo_mid) / 2. f.translate(-common_mid) m.translate(-common_mid) off = 1 while off != 0: fna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(f) mna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(m) # Get the signed distance to the cutting plane # We want one side from f and the other side from m fmap = [, e) for x in fna.get_positions()] mmap = [, e) for x in mna.get_positions()] ain = sorted([i for i in chain(fmap, mmap) if i > 0], reverse=True) aout = sorted([i for i in chain(fmap, mmap) if i < 0], reverse=True) off = len(ain) - len(fna) # Translating f and m to get the correct number of atoms # in the offspring if off < 0: # too few # move f and m away from the plane dist = abs(aout[abs(off) - 1]) + eps f.translate(e * dist) m.translate(-e * dist) elif off > 0: # too many # move f and m towards the plane dist = abs(ain[-abs(off)]) + eps f.translate(-e * dist) m.translate(e * dist) eps /= 5. fna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(f) mna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(m) # Determine the contributing parts from f and m tmpf, tmpm = Atoms(), Atoms() for atom in fna: if, e) > 0: atom.tag = 1 tmpf.append(atom) for atom in mna: if, e) < 0: atom.tag = 2 tmpm.append(atom) # Place adsorbates from f and m in tmpf and tmpm f_ads = self.get_all_adsorbate_indices(f) m_ads = self.get_all_adsorbate_indices(m) for ads in f_ads: if[ads[0]].position, e) > 0: for i in ads: f[i].tag = 1 tmpf.append(f[i]) for ads in m_ads: pos = m[ads[0]].position if, e) < 0: # If the adsorbate will sit too close to another adsorbate # (below self.min_adsorbate_distance) do not add it. dists = [np.linalg.norm(pos - a.position) for a in tmpf if a.tag == 1] for d in dists: if d < self.min_adsorbate_distance: break else: for i in ads: m[i].tag = 2 tmpm.append(m[i]) tmpfna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(tmpf) tmpmna = self.get_atoms_without_adsorbates(tmpm) # Check that the correct composition is employed if self.keep_composition: opt_sm = sorted(fna.numbers) tmpf_numbers = list(tmpfna.numbers) tmpm_numbers = list(tmpmna.numbers) cur_sm = sorted(tmpf_numbers + tmpm_numbers) # correct_by: dictionary that specifies how many # of the atom_numbers should be removed (a negative number) # or added (a positive number) correct_by = dict([(j, opt_sm.count(j)) for j in set(opt_sm)]) for n in cur_sm: correct_by[n] -= 1 correct_in = random.choice([tmpf, tmpm]) to_add, to_rem = [], [] for num, amount in correct_by.items(): if amount > 0: to_add.extend([num] * amount) elif amount < 0: to_rem.extend([num] * abs(amount)) for add, rem in zip(to_add, to_rem): tbc = [a.index for a in correct_in if a.number == rem] if len(tbc) == 0: pass ai = random.choice(tbc) correct_in[ai].number = add # Move the contributing apart if any distance is below blmin maxl = 0. for sv, min_dist in self.get_vectors_below_min_dist(tmpf + tmpm): lsv = np.linalg.norm(sv) # length of shortest vector d = [, sv)] * 2 d[0] += np.sqrt(, sv)**2 - lsv**2 + min_dist**2) d[1] -= np.sqrt(, sv)**2 - lsv**2 + min_dist**2) l = sorted([abs(i) for i in d])[0] / 2. + eps if l > maxl: maxl = l tmpf.translate(e * maxl) tmpm.translate(-e * maxl) # Translate particles halves back to the center tmpf.translate(common_mid) tmpm.translate(common_mid) # Put the two parts together for atom in chain(tmpf, tmpm): indi.append(atom) pcas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) pcac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, pcas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) pads_sites = pcac.hetero_site_list adsi_dict = {} for st in pads_sites: if st['occupied']: si = st['indices'] adsi_dict[si] = {} adsi_dict[si]['height'] = self.heights[st['site']] adsi_dict[si]['fragment'] = st['fragment'] adsi_dict[si]['fragment_indices'] = st['fragment_indices'] indi = pcas.atoms indi.positions = pcas.ref_atoms.positions cas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) nori = len(indi) for st in cas.site_list: si = st['indices'] if si in adsi_dict: adsorbate = adsi_dict[si]['fragment'] height = adsi_dict[si]['height'] add_adsorbate_to_site(indi, adsorbate, st, height) # Make sure no adsorbates too close to each other # after each adsorbate addition nads = len(adsi_dict[si]['fragment_indices']) ads_atoms = indi[[a.index for a in indi if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements]] if atoms_too_close_after_addition(ads_atoms, nads, self.min_adsorbate_distance, mic=False): indi = indi[:-nads] # Add adsorbate if no adsorbate is present if len(indi) == nori: st = random.choice(cas.site_list) ads_spec = random.choice(self.adsorbate_species) add_adsorbate_to_site(indi, ads_spec, site=st, height=self.heights[st['site']]) cac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, cas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = cac.hetero_site_list if self.fix_coverage: # Remove or add adsorbates as needed adsorbates_in_child = self.get_all_adsorbate_indices(indi) diff = len(adsorbates_in_child) - adsorbates_in_parents if diff < 0: # Add adsorbates for _ in range(abs(diff)): self.add_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites, site_heights, self.adsorbate_species, self.min_adsorbate_distance) elif diff > 0: # Remove adsorbates tbr = random.sample(adsorbates_in_child, diff) # to be removed for adsorbate_indices in sorted(tbr, reverse=True): for i in adsorbate_indices[::-1]: indi.pop(i) cac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, cas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax)['data']['adsorbates'] = [t[0] for t in cac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + ': {0} {1}'.format(['confid'],['confid']))
def get_numbers(self, atoms): """Returns the atomic numbers of the atoms object without adsorbates""" ac = atoms.copy() del ac[[a.index for a in ac if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements]] return ac.numbers def get_atoms_without_adsorbates(self, atoms): ac = atoms.copy() del ac[[a.index for a in ac if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements]] return ac
[docs] def get_vectors_below_min_dist(self, atoms): """Generator function that returns each vector (between atoms) that is shorter than the minimum distance for those atom types (set during the initialization in blmin).""" ap = atoms.get_positions() an = atoms.numbers for i in range(len(atoms)): pos = atoms[i].position for j, d in enumerate([np.linalg.norm(k - pos) for k in ap[i:]]): if d == 0: continue min_dist = self.blmin[tuple(sorted((an[i], an[j + i])))] if d < min_dist: yield atoms[i].position - atoms[j + i].position, min_dist
[docs]class SimpleCutSpliceCrossoverWithAdsorbates(AdsorbateOperator): """Crossover that divides two particles through a plane in space and merges the symbols of two halves from different particles with adosrbates together (only returns one of them). The indexing of the atoms is preserved. Please only use this operator with other operators that also preserves the indexing. It keeps the correct composition by randomly assigning elements in the new particle. Parameters ---------- adsorbate_species : str or list of strs One or a list of adsorbate species to be added to the surface. heights : dict, default acat.settings.site_heights A dictionary that contains the adsorbate height for each site type. Use the default height settings if the height for a site type is not specified. keep_composition : bool, default True Boolean that signifies if the composition should be the same as in the parents. fix_coverage : bool, default False Should the adsorbate coverage be the same as in the parents. min_adsorbate_distance : float, default 2. The radius of the sphere inside which no other adsorbates should be found. adsorption_sites : acat.adsorption_sites.ClusterAdsorptionSites object or acat.adsorption_sites.SlabAdsorptionSites object or the corresponding pickle file path, default None Provide the built-in adsorption sites class to accelerate the genetic algorithm. Make sure all the operators used with this operator preserve the indexing of the atoms. subtract_heights : bool, default False Whether to subtract the height from the bond length when allocating a site to an adsorbate. Default is to allocate the site that is closest to the adsorbate's binding atom without subtracting height. Useful for ensuring the allocated site for each adsorbate is consistent with the site to which the adsorbate was added. dmax : float, default 2.5 The maximum bond length (in Angstrom) between an atom and its nearest site to be considered as the atom being bound to the site. """ def __init__(self, adsorbate_species, heights=site_heights, keep_composition=True, fix_coverage=False, min_adsorbate_distance=2., adsorption_sites=None, subtract_heights=False, dmax=2.5, **kwargs): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species) self.descriptor = 'SimpleCutSpliceCrossoverWithAdsorbates' self.heights = site_heights for k, v in heights.items(): self.heights[k] = v self.keep_composition = keep_composition self.fix_coverage = fix_coverage self.min_adsorbate_distance = min_adsorbate_distance self.kwargs = {'allow_6fold': False, 'composition_effect': False, 'ignore_sites': None, 'label_sites': False} self.kwargs.update(kwargs) if adsorption_sites is not None: if isinstance(adsorption_sites, str): import pickle with open(adsorption_sites, 'rb') as f: self.adsorption_sites = pickle.load(f) else: self.adsorption_sites = adsorption_sites for k in self.kwargs.keys(): self.kwargs[k] = attrgetter(k)(self.adsorption_sites) else: self.adsorption_sites = None self.__dict__.update(self.kwargs) if subtract_heights: self.subtract_heights = self.heights else: self.subtract_heights = None self.min_inputs = 2 self.dmax = dmax
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): f, m = parents indi = f.copy() if self.fix_coverage: # Count number of adsorbates adsorbates_in_parents = len(self.get_all_adsorbate_indices(f)) theta = random.random() * 2 * np.pi # 0,2pi phi = random.random() * np.pi # 0,pi e = np.array((np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi))) eps = 0.0001 f.translate(-f.get_center_of_mass()) m.translate(-m.get_center_of_mass()) # Get the signed distance to the cutting plane # We want one side from f and the other side from m mids, fids, rmids = [], [], [] for i, x in enumerate(f.get_positions()): if, e) > 0: if f[i].symbol in adsorbate_elements: rmids.append(i) else: mids.append(i) else: if f[i].symbol not in adsorbate_elements: fids.append(i) # Change half of f symbols to the half of m symbols for i in mids: indi[i].symbol = m[i].symbol # Check that the correct composition is employed if self.keep_composition: opt_sm = sorted([a.number for a in f if a.symbol not in adsorbate_elements]) tmpf_numbers = list(indi.numbers[fids]) tmpm_numbers = list(indi.numbers[mids]) cur_sm = sorted(tmpf_numbers + tmpm_numbers) # correct_by: dictionary that specifies how many # of the atom_numbers should be removed (a negative number) # or added (a positive number) correct_by = dict([(j, opt_sm.count(j)) for j in set(opt_sm)]) for n in cur_sm: correct_by[n] -= 1 correct_ids = random.choice([fids, mids]) to_add, to_rem = [], [] for num, amount in correct_by.items(): if amount > 0: to_add.extend([num] * amount) elif amount < 0: to_rem.extend([num] * abs(amount)) for add, rem in zip(to_add, to_rem): tbc = [i for i in correct_ids if indi[i].number == rem] if len(tbc) == 0: pass ai = random.choice(tbc) indi[ai].number = add # Place adsorbates from half of m and remove adsorbates from # half of f if self.adsorption_sites is not None: cas = deepcopy(self.adsorption_sites) cas.update(indi) else: cas = ClusterAdsorptionSites(indi, **self.kwargs) fcac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, cas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) fhsl = fcac.hetero_site_list mcac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(m, cas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) mhsl = mcac.hetero_site_list rmset = set(rmids) rmsites = [] for st in fhsl: if st['occupied']: if not set(st['fragment_indices']).isdisjoint(rmset): rmsites.append(st) # Remove fragments if every fragment is one of the given adsorbate species rmfrags = all(st['fragment'] in self.adsorbate_species for st in rmsites) remove_adsorbates_from_sites(indi, sites=rmsites, remove_fragments=rmfrags) mset = set(mids) adsi_dict = {} for st in mhsl: if st['occupied']: si = st['indices'] if set(si).issubset(mset): si = st['indices'] adsi_dict[si] = {} adsi_dict[si]['height'] = self.heights[st['site']] adsi_dict[si]['fragment'] = st['fragment'] adsi_dict[si]['fragment_indices'] = st['fragment_indices'] nori = len(indi) for st in cas.site_list: si = st['indices'] if si in adsi_dict: adsorbate = adsi_dict[si]['fragment'] height = adsi_dict[si]['height'] add_adsorbate_to_site(indi, adsorbate, st, height) # Make sure no adsorbates too close to each other # after each adsorbate addition nads = len(adsi_dict[si]['fragment_indices']) ads_atoms = indi[[a.index for a in indi if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements]] if atoms_too_close_after_addition(ads_atoms, nads, self.min_adsorbate_distance, mic=False): indi = indi[:-nads] # Add adsorbate if no adsorbate is present if len(indi) == nori: st = random.choice(cas.site_list) ads_spec = random.choice(self.adsorbate_species) add_adsorbate_to_site(indi, ads_spec, site=st, height=self.heights[st['site']]) cac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, cas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) ads_sites = cac.hetero_site_list if self.fix_coverage: # Remove or add adsorbates as needed adsorbates_in_child = self.get_all_adsorbate_indices(indi) diff = len(adsorbates_in_child) - adsorbates_in_parents if diff < 0: # Add adsorbates for _ in range(abs(diff)): self.add_adsorbate(indi, ads_sites, site_heights, self.adsorbate_species, self.min_adsorbate_distance) elif diff > 0: # Remove adsorbates tbr = random.sample(adsorbates_in_child, diff) # to be removed for adsorbate_indices in sorted(tbr, reverse=True): for i in adsorbate_indices[::-1]: indi.pop(i) cac = ClusterAdsorbateCoverage(indi, cas, subtract_heights= self.subtract_heights, dmax=self.dmax) indi = self.initialize_individual(f, indi)['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]['data']['operation'] = 'crossover'['data']['adsorbates'] = [t[0] for t in cac.get_adsorbates(self.adsorbate_species)] parent_message = ':Parents {0} {1}'.format(['confid'],['confid']) return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + parent_message)
def get_numbers(self, atoms): """Returns the atomic numbers of the atoms object without adsorbates""" ac = atoms.copy() del ac[[a.index for a in ac if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements]] return ac.numbers def get_atoms_without_adsorbates(self, atoms): ac = atoms.copy() del ac[[a.index for a in ac if a.symbol in adsorbate_elements]] return ac
[docs]class CatalystAdsorbateCrossover(AdsorbateOperator): """Crossover that divides two particles or two slabs by the catalyst- adsorbates interfaces and exchange all adsorbates (only returns one of them). The indexing of the atoms is preserved. Please only use this operator with other operators that also preserves the indexing. The composition or the coverage is fixed if it is preserved by all other operators being used. Parameters ---------- group_by_sites : bool, default False If['data']['groups'] is used, please set this to True if the groups is for adsorption sites, so that the offspring will inheritate the site groups. The default is grouping by slab atoms. catalyst_indices : list of ints, default None The atomic indices of catalyst atoms. Only metal atoms are treated as part of the catalyst by default. Useful when the indexing is preserved during the run, and there are non-metal elements in the catalyst, e.g. metal oxides. """ def __init__(self, group_by_sites=False, catalyst_indices=None): AdsorbateOperator.__init__(self, adsorbate_species='X') self.descriptor = 'CatalystAdsorbateCrossover' self.group_by_sites = group_by_sites self.catalyst_indices = catalyst_indices self.min_inputs = 2
[docs] def get_new_individual(self, parents): f, m = parents indi = f.copy() if self.catalyst_indices is None: cat_ids = [a.index for a in indi if a.symbol not in adsorbate_elements] else: cat_ids = self.catalyst_indices indi.symbols[cat_ids] = m.symbols[cat_ids] indi = self.initialize_individual(f, indi) if 'groups' in['data']: if self.group_by_sites:['data']['groups'] =['data']['groups'] else:['data']['groups'] =['data']['groups'] if 'adsorbates' in['data']:['data']['adsorbates'] =['data']['adsorbates']['data']['parents'] = [['confid'] for i in parents]['data']['operation'] = 'crossover' parent_message = ':Parents {0} {1}'.format(['confid'],['confid']) return (self.finalize_individual(indi), self.descriptor + parent_message)