Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..utilities import (get_mic,
from import WLGraphComparator
from ase.geometry import get_distances, find_mic, get_layers
from import read, write, Trajectory
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product
from networkx.algorithms.components.connected import connected_components
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import random
import math

[docs]class SymmetricClusterOrderingGenerator(object): """`SymmetricClusterOrderingGenerator` is a class for generating symmetric chemical orderings for a **nanoalloy**. There is no limitation of the number of metal components. Please always align the z direction to the symmetry axis of the nanocluster. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms object The nanoparticle to use as a template to generate symmetric chemical orderings. Accept any ase.Atoms object. No need to be built-in. elements : list of strs The metal elements of the nanoalloy. symmetry : str, default 'spherical' Support 9 symmetries: **'spherical'**: spherical symmetry (groups defined by the distances to the geometric center); **'cylindrical'**: cylindrical symmetry around z axis (groups defined by the distances to the z axis); **'planar'**: planar symmetry around z axis (groups defined by the z coordinates), common for phase-separated nanoalloys; **'mirror_planar'**: mirror planar symmetry around both z and xy plane (groups defined by the absolute z coordinate), high symmetry subset of 'planar'; 'circular' = ring symmetry around z axis (groups defined by both z coordinate and distance to z axis); **'mirror_circular'**: mirror ring symmetry around both z and xy plane (groups defined by both absolute z coordinate and distance to z axis); **'chemical'**: symmetry w.r.t chemical environment (groups defined by the atomic energies given by a Gupta potential) **'geometrical'**: symmetry w.r.t geometrical environment (groups defined by vertex / edge / fcc111 / fcc100 / bulk identified by CNA analysis); **'concentric'**: conventional definition of the concentric shells (surface / subsurface, subsubsurface, ..., core). cutoff : float, default 1.0 Maximum thickness (in Angstrom) of a single group. The thickness is calculated as the difference between the "distances" of the closest-to-center atoms in two neighbor groups. Note that the criterion of "distance" depends on the symmetry. This parameter works differently if the symmetry is 'chemical', 'geometrical' or 'concentric'. For 'chemical' it is defined as the maximum atomic energy difference (in eV) of a single group predicted by a Gupta potential. For 'geometrical' and 'concentric' it is defined as the cutoff radius (in Angstrom) for CNA, and a reasonable cutoff based on the lattice constant of the material will automatically be used if cutoff <= 1. Use a larger cutoff if the structure is distorted. secondary_symmetry : str, default None Add a secondary symmetry check to define groups hierarchically. For example, even if two atoms are classifed in the same group defined by the primary symmetry, they can still end up in different groups if they fall into two different groups defined by the secondary symmetry. Support 7 symmetries: 'spherical', 'cylindrical', 'planar', 'mirror_planar', 'chemical', 'geometrical' and 'concentric'. Note that secondary symmetry has the same importance as the primary symmetry, so you can set either of the two symmetries of interest as the secondary symmetry. Useful for combining symmetries of different types (e.g. circular + chemical) or combining symmetries with different cutoffs. secondary_cutoff : float, default 1.0 Same as cutoff, except that it is for the secondary symmetry. composition : dict, default None Generate symmetric orderings only at a certain composition. The dictionary contains the metal elements as keys and their concentrations as values. Generate orderings at all compositions if not specified. groups : list of lists, default None Provide the user defined symmetry equivalent groups as a list of lists of atom indices. Useful for generating structures with symmetries that are not supported. save_groups : bool, default False Whether to save the site groups in['data']['groups'] for each generated structure. trajectory : str, default 'orderings.traj' The name of the output ase trajectory file. append_trajectory : bool, default False Whether to append structures to the existing trajectory. """ def __init__(self, atoms, elements, symmetry='spherical', cutoff=1., secondary_symmetry=None, secondary_cutoff=1., composition=None, groups=None, save_groups=False, trajectory='orderings.traj', append_trajectory=False): self.atoms = atoms self.elements = elements self.symmetry = symmetry self.cutoff = cutoff assert secondary_symmetry not in ['circular', 'mirror_circular'] self.secondary_symmetry = secondary_symmetry self.secondary_cutoff = secondary_cutoff self.composition = composition if self.composition is not None: ks = list(self.composition.keys()) assert set(ks) == set(self.elements) self.save_groups = save_groups if isinstance(trajectory, str): self.trajectory = trajectory self.append_trajectory = append_trajectory if groups is None: self.groups = self.get_groups() else: self.groups = groups
[docs] def get_sorted_indices(self, symmetry): """Returns the indices sorted by the metric that defines different groups, together with the corresponding vlues, given a specific symmetry. Returns the indices sorted by geometrical environment if symmetry='geometrical'. Returns the indices sorted by surface, subsurface, subsubsurface, ..., core if symmetry='concentric'. Parameters ---------- symmetry : str Support 7 symmetries: spherical, cylindrical, planar, mirror_planar, chemical, geometrical, concentric. """ atoms = self.atoms.copy() geo_mid = [(atoms.cell/2.)[0][0], (atoms.cell/2.)[1][1], (atoms.cell/2.)[2][2]] if symmetry == 'spherical': dists = get_distances(atoms.positions, [geo_mid])[1][:,0] elif symmetry == 'cylindrical': dists = np.asarray([((a.position[0] - geo_mid[0])**2 + (a.position[1] - geo_mid[1])**2)**0.5 for a in atoms]) elif symmetry == 'planar': dists = atoms.positions[:, 2] elif symmetry == 'mirror_planar': dists = abs(atoms.positions[:, 2] - geo_mid[2]) elif symmetry == 'chemical': from asap3.Internal.BuiltinPotentials import Gupta gupta_parameters = {'Cu': [10.960, 2.2780, 0.0855, 1.224, 2.556]} calc = Gupta(gupta_parameters, cutoff=1000, debug=False) for a in atoms: a.symbol = 'Cu' atoms.calc = calc dists = atoms.get_potential_energies() atoms.calc = None elif symmetry == 'geometrical': from asap3.analysis import FullCNA if self.symmetry == 'geometrical': rCut = None if self.cutoff <= 1. else self.cutoff elif self.secondary_symmetry == 'geometrical': rCut = None if self.secondary_cutoff <= 1. else self.secondary_cutoff fcna = FullCNA(atoms, rCut=rCut).get_normal_cna() d = defaultdict(list) for i, x in enumerate(fcna): if sum(x.values()) < 12: d[str(x)].append(i) else: d['bulk'].append(i) return list(d.values()), None elif symmetry == 'concentric': from asap3.analysis import FullCNA if self.symmetry == 'concentric': rCut = None if self.cutoff <= 1. else self.cutoff elif self.secondary_symmetry == 'concentric': rCut = None if self.secondary_cutoff <= 1. else self.secondary_cutoff def view1D(a, b): # a, b are arrays a = np.ascontiguousarray(a) b = np.ascontiguousarray(b) void_dt = np.dtype((np.void, a.dtype.itemsize * a.shape[1])) return a.view(void_dt).ravel(), b.view(void_dt).ravel() def argwhere_nd_searchsorted(a,b): A,B = view1D(a,b) sidxB = B.argsort() mask = np.isin(A,B) cm = A[mask] idx0 = np.flatnonzero(mask) idx1 = sidxB[np.searchsorted(B,cm, sorter=sidxB)] return idx0, idx1 # idx0 : indices in A, idx1 : indices in B def get_surf_ids(a): fcna = FullCNA(a, rCut=rCut).get_normal_cna() surf_ids, bulk_ids = [], [] for i in range(len(a)): if sum(fcna[i].values()) < 12: surf_ids.append(i) else: bulk_ids.append(i) group_ids = list(argwhere_nd_searchsorted(atoms.positions, a.positions[surf_ids])[0]) conv_groups.append(group_ids) if not bulk_ids: return get_surf_ids(a[bulk_ids]) conv_groups = [] get_surf_ids(atoms) return conv_groups, None else: raise NotImplementedError("Symmetry '{}' is not supported".format(symmetry)) sorted_indices = np.argsort(np.ravel(dists)) return sorted_indices, dists[sorted_indices]
[docs] def get_groups(self): """Get the groups (a list of lists of atom indices) of all symmetry-equivalent atoms.""" if self.symmetry == 'circular': symmetry = 'planar' elif self.symmetry == 'mirror_circular': symmetry = 'mirror_planar' else: symmetry = self.symmetry indices, dists = self.get_sorted_indices(symmetry=symmetry) if self.symmetry in ['geometrical', 'concentric']: groups = indices else: groups = [] old_dist = np.NINF for i, dist in zip(indices, dists): if abs(dist - old_dist) > self.cutoff: groups.append([i]) old_dist = dist else: groups[-1].append(i) if self.symmetry in ['circular', 'mirror_circular']: indices0, dists0 = self.get_sorted_indices(symmetry='cylindrical') groups0 = [] old_dist0 = np.NINF for j, dist0 in zip(indices0, dists0): if abs(dist0 - old_dist0) > self.cutoff: groups0.append([j]) old_dist0 = dist0 else: groups0[-1].append(j) res = [] for group in groups: res0 = [] for group0 in groups0: match = [i for i in group if i in group0] if match: res0.append(match) res += res0 groups = res if self.secondary_symmetry is not None: indices2, dists2 = self.get_sorted_indices(symmetry= self.secondary_symmetry) if self.secondary_symmetry in ['geometrical', 'concentric']: groups2 = indices2 else: groups2 = [] old_dist2 = np.NINF for j, dist2 in zip(indices2, dists2): if abs(dist2 - old_dist2) > self.secondary_cutoff: groups2.append([j]) old_dist2 = dist2 else: groups2[-1].append(j) res = [] for group in groups: res2 = [] for group2 in groups2: match = [i for i in group if i in group2] if match: res2.append(match) res += res2 groups = res groups = [[int(x) for x in group] for group in groups] return groups
[docs] def run(self, max_gen=None, mode='stochastic', eps=0.01, unique=False, hmax=2, verbose=False): """Run the chemical ordering generator. Parameters ---------- max_gen : int, default None Maximum number of chemical orderings to generate. Running forever (until exhaustive for systematic search) if not specified. mode : str, default 'stochastic' **'systematic'**: enumerate all possible unique chemical orderings. Recommended when there are not many groups. Switch to stochastic mode automatically if the number of groups is more than 20 (30 if composition is fixed since there are much fewer structures). **'stochastic'**: sample chemical orderings stochastically. Duplicate structures can be generated. Recommended when there are many groups. A greedy algorithm is employed if the composition is fixed, which might result in slightly different compositions. This can be controled by eps. eps : float, default 0.01 The tolerance of the concentration for each element (the target concentration range is [c-eps, c+eps]). Only relevant for generating fixed-composition symmetric nanoalloys using 'stochastic' mode. Set to a small value, e.g. 0.005, if you want the exact composition accurate to one atom. Please use a larger eps if the concentrations you specified in compositions are not accurate enough. unique : bool, default False Whether to discard duplicate patterns based on graph automorphism. The Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel is used to check identity. hmax : int, default 2 Maximum number of iterations for color refinement. Only relevant if unique=True. verbose : bool, default False Whether to print out information about number of groups and number of generated structures. """ traj_mode = 'a' if self.append_trajectory else 'w' traj = Trajectory(self.trajectory, mode=traj_mode) atoms = self.atoms.copy() groups = self.groups ngroups = len(groups) n_write = 0 if unique: comp = WLGraphComparator(hmax=hmax) atoms_list, formula_list = [], [] if verbose: print('{} symmetry-equivalent groups classified'.format(ngroups)) if self.composition is not None: natoms = len(atoms) keys = list(self.composition.keys()) ratios = list(self.composition.values()) if mode == 'systematic': if ngroups > 30: if verbose: print('{} groups is infeasible for systematic'.format(ngroups), 'generator. Use stochastic generator instead') mode = 'stochastic' else: totals = numbers_from_ratios(natoms, ratios) if max_gen is None: max_gen = -1 for part in partitions_into_totals(groups, totals): for j in range(len(totals)): ids = [i for group in part[j] for i in group] atoms.symbols[ids] = len(ids) * keys[j] # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 if n_write == max_gen: break if mode == 'stochastic': if max_gen is None: max_gen = np.inf nele = len(ratios) sor = sum(ratios) while n_write < max_gen: # get a new random permutation lst = groups.copy() random.shuffle(lst) partition = [] # starting index (in the permutation) of the current sublist lo = 0 # permutation partial sum s = 0 # index of sublist we are currently generating (i.e. what ratio we are on) k = 0 # ratio partial sum rs = ratios[k] for i in range(ngroups): s += len(lst[i]) # if ratio of permutation partial sum exceeds ratio of ratio partial sum, # the current sublist is "complete" if s / natoms >= rs / sor - eps: partition.append(lst[lo:i+1]) # start creating new sublist from next element lo = i + 1 k += 1 if k == nele: # done with partition # remaining elements will always all be zeroes partition[-1].extend(lst[i+1:]) break rs += ratios[k] # continue if there is any empty subset if len(partition) != nele: continue partition = [[i for p in part for i in p] for part in partition] if all(math.isclose(ratios[i] / sor, len(part) / natoms, abs_tol=eps) for i, part in enumerate(partition)): for j in range(nele): ids = partition[j] atoms.symbols[ids] = len(ids) * keys[j] # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 else: # When the number of groups is too large (> 20), systematic enumeration # is not feasible. Stochastic sampling is the only option if mode == 'systematic': if ngroups > 20: if verbose: print('{} groups is infeasible for systematic'.format(ngroups), 'generator. Use stochastic generator instead') mode = 'stochastic' else: combos = list(product(self.elements, repeat=ngroups)) random.shuffle(combos) for combo in combos: for j, spec in enumerate(combo): atoms.symbols[groups[j]] = spec # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 if max_gen is not None: if n_write == max_gen: break if mode == 'stochastic': combos = set() too_few = (2**ngroups * 0.95 <= max_gen) if too_few and verbose: print('Too few groups. Will generate duplicate images.') while True: combo = tuple(np.random.choice(self.elements, size=ngroups)) if combo not in combos or too_few: combos.add(combo) for j, spec in enumerate(combo): atoms.symbols[groups[j]] = spec # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 if max_gen is not None: if n_write == max_gen: break if verbose: print('{} symmetric chemical orderings generated'.format(n_write))
[docs]class SymmetricSlabOrderingGenerator(object): """`SymmetricSlabOrderingGenerator` is a class for generating symmetric chemical orderings for a **alloy surface slab**. There is no limitation of the number of metal components. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms object The surface slab to use as a template to generate symmetric chemical orderings. Accept any ase.Atoms object. No need to be built-in. elements : list of strs The metal elements of the alloy catalyst. symmetry : str, default 'translational' Support 4 symmetries: **'translational'**: translational symmetry with symmetry equivalent groups depending on repeating_size. **'inversion'**: centrosymmetry with symmetry equivalent groups depending on the distance to the geometric center. Only works for certain number of slab layers (e.g. 5) and orthogonal cell. **'vertical_mirror'**: vertical mirror plane symmetry with symmetry equivalent groups depending on the vertical plane in which the bisect_vector lies. **'horizontal_mirror'**: horizontal mirror plane symmetry with symmetry equivalent groups depending on the xy plane bisecting the slab. Only works for certain number of slab layers (e.g. 5) and orthogonal cell. bisect_vector : numpy.array or list, default None The 2d (or 3d) vector that lies in the vertical mirror plane. Only relevant for vertical_mirror symmetry. repeating_size : list of ints or tuple of ints, default (1, 1) The multiples that describe the size of the repeating pattern on the surface. Symmetry-equivalent atoms are grouped by the multiples in the x and y directions. The x or y length of the cell must be this multiple of the distance between each pair of symmetry-equivalent atoms. Larger reducing size generates fewer structures. For translational symmetry please change repeating_size to larger numbers. composition : dict, default None Generate symmetric orderings only at a certain composition. The dictionary contains the metal elements as keys and their concentrations as values. Generate orderings at all compositions if not specified. groups : list of lists, default None Provide the user defined symmetry equivalent groups as a list of lists of atom indices. Useful for generating structures with symmetries that are not supported. save_groups : bool, default False Whether to save the site groups in['data']['groups'] for each generated structure. dtol : float, default 0.01 The distance tolerance (in Angstrom) when comparing distances. Use a larger value if the structure is distorted. ztol : float, default 0.1 The tolerance (in Angstrom) when comparing z values. Use a larger ztol if the structure is distorted. trajectory : str, default 'orderings.traj' The name of the output ase trajectory file. append_trajectory : bool, default False Whether to append structures to the existing trajectory. """ def __init__(self, atoms, elements, symmetry='translational', repeating_size=(1, 1), bisect_vector=None, composition=None, groups=None, save_groups=False, dtol=0.01, ztol=0.1, trajectory='orderings.traj', append_trajectory=False): self.atoms = atoms self.elements = elements self.symmetry = symmetry self.repeating_size = repeating_size self.bisect_vector = bisect_vector if self.bisect_vector is not None: if len(self.bisect_vector) == 2: self.bisect_vector = list(bisect_vector) + [0] else: self.bisect_vector[2] = 0 self.bisect_vector = np.asarray(self.bisect_vector) assert is_list_or_tuple(repeating_size) assert len(repeating_size) == 2 self.save_groups = save_groups self.dtol = dtol self.ztol = ztol self.composition = composition if self.composition is not None: ks = list(self.composition.keys()) assert set(ks) == set(self.elements) if isinstance(trajectory, str): self.trajectory = trajectory self.append_trajectory = append_trajectory if groups is None: self.groups = self.get_groups() else: self.groups = groups def get_symmetric_pairs(self, atoms): rv = self.bisect_vector layers = get_layers(atoms, (0, 0, 1), tolerance=self.ztol)[0] dd = defaultdict(list) for i, layer in enumerate(layers): dd[layer].append(i) positions = atoms.positions natoms = len(positions) indices, sym_pts = [], [] for idxs in dd.values(): geo_mid = np.mean(positions[idxs], axis=0) rv2 = rv @ rv projs = np.sum((positions[idxs] - geo_mid) * rv, axis=1).reshape((-1,1)) * rv / rv2 norms = positions[idxs] - geo_mid - projs indices += idxs sym_pts += (positions[idxs] - 2 * norms).tolist() sym_pts = np.asarray([pt for _, pt in sorted(zip(indices, sym_pts))]) new_indices = np.asarray(list(product(range(natoms), range(natoms)))) p1 = atoms.positions[new_indices[:,0]] p2 = sym_pts[new_indices[:,1]] _, ds = find_mic(p1 - p2, atoms.cell, pbc=True) pairs = [] for i in range(0, len(ds), natoms): idx1 = [int(i / natoms)] idx2 = [] for j, d in enumerate(ds[i:i+natoms]): if i == j: continue if np.isclose(0, d, rtol=0., atol=self.dtol): idx2.append(j) break pairs.append(sorted(idx1 + idx2)) return pairs def get_x_y_identical_pairs(self, atoms): xy_atoms = atoms.copy() xy_atoms.positions[:,2] = 1 ds = xy_atoms.get_all_distances(mic=True) return np.column_stack(np.where(ds < self.dtol)).tolist() def get_lx_ly_identical_pairs(self, atoms): ds = atoms.get_all_distances(mic=True) cell = atoms.cell x_cell = np.linalg.norm(cell[0]) y_cell = np.linalg.norm(cell[1]) ref_x_dist = x_cell / self.repeating_size[0] ref_y_dist = y_cell / self.repeating_size[1] x_pairs = np.column_stack(np.where(abs(ds - ref_x_dist) < self.dtol)) y_pairs = np.column_stack(np.where(abs(ds - ref_y_dist) < self.dtol)) return x_pairs.tolist() + y_pairs.tolist() def get_collinear_pairs(self, atoms): geo_mid = [(atoms.cell/2.)[0][0], (atoms.cell/2.)[1][1], (atoms.cell/2.)[2][2]] vecs, _ = find_mic(atoms.positions - np.asarray([geo_mid]), atoms.cell, pbc=True) # Generate the i, j indices rows, cols = np.triu_indices(len(vecs), 1) # Find the cross products using numpy indexing on vecs cross = np.cross(vecs[rows], vecs[cols]) # Find the values that are close arg = np.argwhere(np.isclose(0, (cross * cross).sum(axis=1)**0.5, rtol=0, atol=self.dtol)) # Get the i, j indices where is close to 0 return np.hstack([rows[arg], cols[arg]]).tolist(), geo_mid
[docs] def get_groups(self): """Get the groups (a list of lists of atom indices) of all symmetry-equivalent atoms.""" atoms = self.atoms.copy() if self.symmetry == 'translational': if self.repeating_size[0] * self.repeating_size[1] == 1: raise ValueError('Please set repeating_size larger than (1, 1) ' + 'for translational symmetry') pairs = self.get_lx_ly_identical_pairs(atoms) z_positions = atoms.positions[:,2] pairs = [p for p in pairs if abs(z_positions[p[0]] - z_positions[p[1]]) < self.ztol] elif self.symmetry == 'inversion': pairs, geo_mid = self.get_collinear_pairs(atoms) positions = atoms.positions cell = atoms.cell pairs = [p for p in pairs if abs(get_mic(positions[p[0]], geo_mid, cell, return_squared_distance=True)**0.5 - get_mic(positions[p[1]], geo_mid, cell, return_squared_distance=True)**0.5) < self.dtol] elif self.symmetry == 'vertical_mirror': assert self.bisect_vector is not None pairs = self.get_symmetric_pairs(atoms) elif self.symmetry == 'horizontal_mirror': pairs = self.get_x_y_identical_pairs(atoms) z_positions = atoms.positions[:,2] mid_z = (atoms.cell/2.)[2][2] pairs = [p for p in pairs if abs(abs(z_positions[p[0]] - mid_z) - abs(z_positions[p[1]] - mid_z)) < self.ztol] else: raise NotImplementedError("Symmetry '{}' is not supported".format(self.symmetry)) def to_edges(lst): it = iter(lst) last = next(it) for current in it: yield last, current last = current G = nx.Graph() for p in pairs: G.add_nodes_from(p) G.add_edges_from(to_edges(p)) groups = [list(cc) for cc in list(connected_components(G))] uni = {i for group in groups for i in group} addition = [[i] for i in set(range(len(atoms))) - uni] groups += addition groups = [[int(x) for x in group] for group in groups] return groups
[docs] def run(self, max_gen=None, mode='stochastic', eps=0.01, unique=False, hmax=2, verbose=False): """Run the chemical ordering generator. Parameters ---------- max_gen : int, default None Maximum number of chemical orderings to generate. Running forever (until exhaustive for systematic search) if not specified. mode : str, default 'stochastic' **'systematic'**: enumerate all possible unique chemical orderings. Recommended when there are not many groups. Switch to stochastic mode automatically if the number of groups is more than 20 (30 if composition is fixed since there are much fewer structures). **'stochastic'**: sample chemical orderings stochastically. Duplicate structures can be generated. Recommended when there are many groups. A greedy algorithm is employed if the composition is fixed, which might result in slightly different compositions. This can be controled by eps. eps : float, default 0.01 The tolerance of the concentration for each element (the target concentration range is [c-eps, c+eps]). Only relevant for generating fixed-composition symmetric nanoalloys using 'stochastic' mode. Set to a small value, e.g. 0.005, if you want the exact composition accurate to one atom. Please use a larger eps if the concentrations you specified in compositions are not accurate enough. unique : bool, default False Whether to discard duplicate patterns based on graph automorphism. The Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel is used to check identity. hmax : int, default 2 Maximum number of iterations for color refinement. Only relevant if unique=True. verbose : bool, default False Whether to print out information about number of groups and number of generated structures. """ traj_mode = 'a' if self.append_trajectory else 'w' traj = Trajectory(self.trajectory, mode=traj_mode) atoms = self.atoms.copy() groups = self.groups ngroups = len(groups) n_write = 0 if unique: comp = WLGraphComparator(hmax=hmax) atoms_list, formula_list = [], [] if verbose: print('{} symmetry-equivalent groups classified'.format(ngroups)) if self.composition is not None: natoms = len(atoms) keys = list(self.composition.keys()) ratios = list(self.composition.values()) if mode == 'systematic': if ngroups > 30: if verbose: print('{} groups is infeasible for systematic'.format(ngroups), 'generator. Use stochastic generator instead') mode = 'stochastic' else: totals = numbers_from_ratios(natoms, ratios) if max_gen is None: max_gen = -1 for part in partitions_into_totals(groups, totals): for j in range(len(totals)): ids = [i for group in part[j] for i in group] atoms.symbols[ids] = len(ids) * keys[j] # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 if n_write == max_gen: break if mode == 'stochastic': if max_gen is None: max_gen = np.inf nele = len(ratios) sor = sum(ratios) while n_write < max_gen: # get a new random permutation lst = groups.copy() random.shuffle(lst) partition = [] # starting index (in the permutation) of the current sublist lo = 0 # permutation partial sum s = 0 # index of sublist we are currently generating (i.e. what ratio we are on) k = 0 # ratio partial sum rs = ratios[k] for i in range(ngroups): s += len(lst[i]) # if ratio of permutation partial sum exceeds ratio of ratio partial sum, # the current sublist is "complete" if s / natoms >= rs / sor - eps: partition.append(lst[lo:i+1]) # start creating new sublist from next element lo = i + 1 k += 1 if k == nele: # done with partition # remaining elements will always all be zeroes partition[-1].extend(lst[i+1:]) break rs += ratios[k] # continue if there is any empty subset if len(partition) != nele: continue partition = [[i for p in part for i in p] for part in partition] if all(math.isclose(ratios[i] / sor, len(part) / natoms, abs_tol=eps) for i, part in enumerate(partition)): for j in range(nele): ids = partition[j] atoms.symbols[ids] = len(ids) * keys[j] # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 else: # When the number of groups is too large (> 20), systematic enumeration # is not feasible. Stochastic sampling is the only option if mode == 'systematic': if ngroups > 20: if verbose: print('{} groups is infeasible for systematic'.format(ngroups), 'generator. Use stochastic generator instead') mode = 'stochastic' else: combos = list(product(self.elements, repeat=ngroups)) random.shuffle(combos) for combo in combos: for j, spec in enumerate(combo): atoms.symbols[groups[j]] = spec # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potenetial_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 if max_gen is not None: if n_write == max_gen: break if mode == 'stochastic': combos = set() too_few = (2**ngroups * 0.95 <= max_gen) if too_few and verbose: print('Too few groups. Will generate duplicate images.') while True: combo = tuple(np.random.choice(self.elements, size=ngroups)) if combo not in combos or too_few: combos.add(combo) for j, spec in enumerate(combo): atoms.symbols[groups[j]] = spec # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(atoms, a)): continue if self.save_groups: if 'data' not in['data'] = {}['data']['groups'] = groups traj.write(atoms) if unique: atoms_list.append(atoms) formula_list.append(formula) n_write += 1 if max_gen is not None: if n_write == max_gen: break if verbose: print('{} symmetric chemical orderings generated'.format(n_write))
[docs]class RandomOrderingGenerator(object): """`RandomOrderingGenerator` is a class for generating random chemical orderings for an alloy catalyst (can be either bulk, slab or nanoparticle). The function is generalized for both periodic and non-periodic systems, and there is no limitation of the number of metal components. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms object The nanoparticle or surface slab to use as a template to generate random chemical orderings. Accept any ase.Atoms object. No need to be built-in. elements : list of strs The metal elements of the alloy catalyst. composition : dict, default None Generate random orderings only at a certain composition. The dictionary contains the metal elements as keys and their concentrations as values. Generate orderings at all compositions if not specified. trajectory : str, default 'orderings.traj' The name of the output ase trajectory file. append_trajectory : bool, default False Whether to append structures to the existing trajectory. """ def __init__(self, atoms, elements, composition=None, trajectory='orderings.traj', append_trajectory=False): self.atoms = atoms self.elements = elements self.composition = composition if self.composition is not None: ks = list(self.composition.keys()) assert set(ks) == set(self.elements) vs = list(self.composition.values()) nums = numbers_from_ratios(len(self.atoms), vs) self.num_dict = {ks[i]: nums[i] for i in range(len(ks))} if isinstance(trajectory, str): self.trajectory = trajectory self.append_trajectory = append_trajectory
[docs] def randint_with_sum(self): """Return a randomly chosen list of N positive integers i summing to the number of atoms. N is the number of elements. Each such list is equally likely to occur.""" N = len(self.elements) total = len(self.atoms) dividers = sorted(random.sample(range(1, total), N - 1)) return [a - b for a, b in zip(dividers + [total], [0] + dividers)]
[docs] def random_split_indices(self): """Generate random chunks of indices given sizes of each chunk.""" indices = list(range(len(self.atoms))) random.shuffle(indices) res = {} pointer = 0 for k, v in self.num_dict.items(): res[k] = indices[pointer:pointer+v] pointer += v return res
[docs] def run(self, num_gen, unique=False, hmax=2): """Run the chemical ordering generator. Parameters ---------- num_gen : int Number of chemical orderings to generate. unique : bool, default False Whether to discard duplicate patterns based on graph automorphism. The Weisfeiler-Lehman subtree kernel is used to check identity. hmax : int, default 2 Maximum number of iterations for color refinement. Only relevant if unique=True. """ traj_mode = 'a' if self.append_trajectory else 'w' traj = Trajectory(self.trajectory, mode=traj_mode) atoms = self.atoms natoms = len(atoms) if unique: comp = WLGraphComparator(hmax=hmax) atoms_list, formula_list = [], [] for _ in range(num_gen): if self.composition is None: rands = self.randint_with_sum() self.num_dict = {e: rands[i] for i, e in enumerate(self.elements)} chunks = self.random_split_indices() indi = atoms.copy() for e, ids in chunks.items(): indi.symbols[ids] = e # Skip duplicates based on automorphism if unique: formula = indi.get_chemical_formula() potential_dups = [a for i, a in enumerate(atoms_list) if formula_list[i] == formula] if potential_dups: if any(a for a in potential_dups if comp.looks_like(indi, a)): continue traj.write(indi) if unique: atoms_list.append(indi) formula_list.append(formula)